Addressing economic and environmental challenges in Lebanon by supporting green entrepreneurs

The INVESTMED project aims to address economic and environmental challenges, supporting new, sustainable business opportunities for young people and women in three countries: Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.
In this program, Fondation Diane and cewas are supporting entrepreneurs in Lebanon.


Fondation Diane’s and CEWAS support entrepreneurs at all stages: ideation, incubation, acceleration and scale-up. They provide technical assistance, financial support, coaching & training, as well as ensure good governance and integrity.
Their team has the experience and the knowledge in developing business models, supporting business development, creating marketing strategies, providing mentoring and guidance in decision-making processes, client acquisition and the daily struggle to start and grow a business.

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We are supporting 12 entrepreneurs combined. Fondation Diane supporting the entrepreneurs in the incubation phase and CEWAS in the acceleration phase.

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The INVESTMED project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme. It has 8 partners.

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